Sunday, 15 January 2012

there's really no excuse..

I was wrong beyond belief,
Even the blindest man could see
That the choices that I've made
Would be the end of you and me
So I sit here all alone
I've been a mess since you've been gone
Now I hate myself like no one else
I know that I'm at fault
Truth is there's really no excuse
For what I did or didn't do
So sorry, I hope that you can find it in your heart to save

Save one more dance with me
One last second chance for me
Cause I don't want nobody cutting in
I swear I'll never break your heart again
Please don't let the music end
Could you just save me one more dance,
One more dance, dance, one more dance, dance

Maybe I was just afraid
Of how good my life can be
So I messed things up and hurt you girl
Before you could hurt me
I'm not saying I was right
I'm not so proud of what I did
Well I'm not gonna lie, or try to justify
Or try to make it all make sense
Truth is there's really no excuse
For all I did or didn't do
So sorry, I hope that you can find it in your heart to say

Save one more dance with me
One last second chance for me
Cause I don't want nobody cutting in
I swear I'll never break your heart again
Please don't let the music end
Would you just save me one more dance,
One more dance, dance, one more dance, dance

If there's a space in your heart, please find the room to forgive
Let's try and make a new start, and begin
If you take the lead, I'll follow you
From this moment, I'll dance for you
Tell me I'm not dancing all alone, no

Save one more dance with me
One last second chance for me
Cause I don't want nobody cutting in
I swear I'll never break your heart again
Please don't let the music end
Could you just save me one more dance,
One more dance, dance, one more dance, dance.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

the main thing in 2012

udah tanggal 12 Januari aja..
udah hari ke 12 di tahun 2012..
well, semoga belum terlambat buat nulis resolusi tahun ini..

tahun ini, ga kaya tahun2 sebelumnya, dimana gue punya banyak resolusi dan sedikit yang tercapai..
tahun ini gue cuma pengen bikin satu resolusi..
dan semoga, itu bisa ngebuat resolusi2 lain yang dulu pernah gue bisa kesampean tahun ini..

so, this is my main task for this year:

Mengalahkan ego sendiri dan lebih memperhatikan kebahagiaan orang lain.

susah.. ya, gue tau..

ga banyak orang yang bisa ngelakuin itu..
in fact, kalopun ada yang bisa kaya gitu, mungkin bisa dibilang bego atau gila oleh orang2 lain..
nevertheless, gue mau nyoba..

gue belajar, gue ngeliat bahwa kegagalan2 gue di masa lalu, di tahun 2011, 2010, 2009, dst, kebanyakan adalah karena gue ga bisa ngontrol ego dan nafsu gue sendiri..
dan sekarang saatnya gue belajar buat bisa lebih terkontrol dan ga cepet2 bikin orang lain kecewa..


satu tapi lebih berat daripada 10 resolusi tahunan biasanya..

semoga bisa terpenuhi..

help me, friends!
